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Barcode Scanners

The Honeywell Eclipse (MS5145) is a lightweight single-line laser scanner that provides an affordable solution for basic 1D barcode scanning needs. It utilizes Honeywell’s patented CodeGate technology – users can aim the laser at a barcode and press a button to transmit – which is especially handy for menu scanning or picking from lists. With a scan rate of 72 scans per second and an extended scanning range compared to typical CCD scanners, the Eclipse can quickly read standard barcodes for point-of-sale or document processing tasks. Its compact form factor and simple operation (just a trigger button and USB/KBW connection) make it easy to integrate for small retailers, libraries, or offices that need a cost-effective scanner for moderate volumes. The Tulip team did not test the integration with this specific model, although the Tulip team has high confidence that the integration works following instructions of the KB article as the protocol used by this device to communicate is supported by Tulip.

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  • Honeywell Logo

    Eclipse 5145 Handheld Scanner