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TAJ Carat


The Ohaus TAJ Carat scales are precision balances specifically designed for jewelers and gemologists, providing high accuracy measurements in carats for gemstones and precious metals. With fine readability (often 0.001 ct or 0.005 ct depending on the model) and small capacity ranges, they ensure even very light gemstones can be weighed with confidence and repeatability. The TAJ series features draft protection (a glass draft shield) to guard against air currents, as well as calibration weights and carat pans (like a gem cup) to facilitate proper weighing of tiny samples. User-friendly and portable, these balances typically run on battery or AC power, and include features like tare and piece counting (for counting stones), making them a reliable tool for jewelry stores, pawn shops, and field gemology work where precise carat measurements are essential.

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  • Ohaus Logo

    TAJ Carat Series

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